Blue Harbor Club


Current Projects 
 Projects currently underway; to be completed as soon as possible

Canal Plug Renovations (Phase 1)
STATUS: Receiving Proposals [09/2020]
Repair Asphault Driveway  
Repair and Extend Concrete Ramp 

Dock Renovations (Phase 1)
STATUS: Receiving Proposals [09/2020]
 Replace Damaged Floor Panels
 Replace Temporary Border
 Install Bumpers, Guards & Cleats
 Pave Pathway to Dock
 Install Solar Lighting

Security Gate
STATUS: Receiving Proposals [09/2020]
 Install Electric Gate

Future Projects
Projects discussed to take place in the near future

 Plant Sustainable Landscaping In Triangle Common Area

 Install New Sign With Weatherproofing
 Install Solar Lighting

Dock Renovations (Phase 2)
Extend Dock
Install Railing on East Side
Install Ladder on East Side
Install Salt Water Pump

Canal Plug Renovations (Phase 2)
Construct Small Dock
Construct Sea-Wall/Revetment
Plant Sustainable Landscaping in Canal Plug Area

Past Projects 
Projects completed over the years 

Easements Survey [June 2020]
Survey complete.

Camera Installation [2020]
Install Cameras viewing Dock and Ramp

Website Renovations [2020]
Update Website Layout
Add Members Section

Light Repairs [2020]
All 8 lights poles have been restored to full functionality. 

Temporary Dock Repairs [2019]
Temporary dock guard was added to prevent boats from floating under the dock during low-tides. 

Sewer installation by KLWTD
The sewer contraction is finalized and road has been repaved.

Yard Maintenance 
For $25/month, tenants may choose to have their mandatory yard maintenance duties performed by Aguirre Lawnscaping. Please send an email to if you are interested in joining the program.
Services include:

Yard Blowing
Weed Spraying*
Disposal of Natural Debris**

*Spraying does not include pulling/removal of existing weeds.
**Disposal ONLY of debris (leaves, palm fronds and coconuts) that fall naturally. They will not be responsible for hauling piles or trimmings left over a long period or from personal maintenance.

  • New Member Application Form (Coming Soon)
Dock Slip Rental

Our Community Dock has limited spaces available for FREE on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only 1 vessel is allowed per unit. Any vessel in violation of these terms are subject to towing, without notice, at the owners expense.

If you are using the Community Dock, make sure to fill the form below immediately.

Owner Name: *
Unit Number *
Primary Contact Number: *
Secondary Contact Number:
Rental Start: *
Vessel Name/ID: *
Comments (Vessel Description, Guest List, etc.):

Member Contact Information 

All unit owners are required to submit this information. Please notify the Board should any information change immediately.

Owner Full Name: *
Secondary Contact Name:
Primary Address Street 1: *
Primary Address Street 2:
Blue Harbor Unit Number: *
City: *
Zip Code: * (5 digits)
State: *
Owner Phone Number: *
Secondary Contact Phone Number:
Email: *
Vessel Type:
Vessel FL Registration Number:
Vessel Make/Model:
Vessel Color:
Vessel Length:
Comments (List of children/guests/pets, multiple vessels, etc):



  Frequently Asked Questions

How many members are a part of Blue Harbor Club?

How long can I use the community dock?
The community dock is used on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Can I rent my unit?
Yes, but it must be for 4 months minimum and be approved by board. Tenants may NOT use the community dock.

Do we have a landscape maintenance program?

Why is our canal plugged?
This was done over 50 years ago for reasons unknown. If you are interested in removing the plug, please contact local officials.

Who owns the canal plug?
The canal plug is owned by our neighbors over at Blue Waters, however we have paid for a 99 year lease and maintain private usage of the community ramp; with the exception including members of Blue Waters Community located behind the plug.

When will the community ramp be repaired?
Hopefully this year; if you think you can help speed the process, please email

Will the dock be lengthened to accommodate more boats?
Eventually yes, but there are currently other priorities.

Are there any restrictions on pets?
Pets are allowed in Blue Harbor, however, any pet(s) on your property must be acknowledged to the Board for approval.

Someone is using the dock/ramp illegally, what do I do?
If you believe someone is trespassing, call the police. If you believe a tenant is misusing our public spaces, please email

How do I request footage from the security cameras located at the dock/ramp?
Please send an email to

I have a question or concern not listed above, who do I contact?
Please send an email to